- Create an Account:
- To post your classified ad, you first need to create an account on our platform.
- Log In to Your Account:
- After successfully creating your account, log in by entering your registered email and password.
- Navigate to Post Ad:
- Once logged in, locate the “Post Ad” option. This is found in the top-right corner of the page.
- Fill Out the Form:
- Fill in the necessary details for your classified ad. Include information such as the title, description, category, price, and contact information.
- Preview Listing:
- Before finalizing, take advantage of the “Preview” option to see how your ad will appear to others.
- Review the details and make sure everything looks accurate.
- Post Your Ad:
- If you’re satisfied with the preview, proceed to post your ad.
Follow these steps, and you’ll have your classified ad up and running in no time!